Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
TWS Episode 35 - "The Dover Demon"
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
On April 21, 1977 three teenagers from Dover, Massachusetts encountered a strange cryptid they'd never forget. It had orange skin, tendril like fingers, and nothing on it's face except a pair of giant glow eyes. This story even attached the attention of world famous cryptozoologist Lauren Coleman. People claim these teenagers encounters are the crux of The Dover Demon story, however hosts thinks there's more to the story. Listen as our hosts connect The Dover Demon to a few other cryptid encounters and try to shed some light on a phenomena that's larger than most people realize.
The extended portion of the show is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. Our hosts have a discussion on this difference between the idea of an "alien" vs "cryptid". How are these terms used and are there intrinsic problems in the paranormal community today with how they are used? If you wish to sign up to become a patron and get this EXCLUSIVE content click HERE
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Friday Sep 11, 2020
TWS Episode 34 - "The Flannel Man"
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Several people have been coming forward with tales of an encounter with any entity many are calling "The Flannel Man". People report being visited by an entity that looks like a middle aged man wearing a red and black flannel shirt. Although his face features vary from person to person, all the entities are wear that same red and black plaid shirt. This mysterious woodsman appears to many people, yet many argue exactly what he could be. Who is he? What does he mean? Is he a new phenomena? These are all questions our hosts Marcus and Vic address in this amazing episode.
The extended portion of the show is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. In 2012 Russian scientists in Antarctica allegedly stumbled upon a monster while drilling into Vostok Lake. Known as organism 46-B this aquatic cryptid stalked the Russian team until it was captured by the Russian government. Listen as Vic explains if this cryptid could biologically exist and Marcus talks about how animals have been used in secret government projects before. If you wish to sign up to become a patron and get this EXCLUSIVE content click HERE
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Sunday Aug 30, 2020
TWS Episode 33 - "Mage UFO Incident"
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
On May 12, 2020 numerous videos show unidentified flying objects above the sky's of Mage, Brazil. Several witnesses report multiple possible UFOs crashing in the nearby forests. By morning witnesses reported strange smoke rising from a nearby military factory, gunshots, explosions, and eerie blue lights coming from the forest. The internet was set ablaze as people tried to report on what happened that night in Mage. Listen as our hosts sort through all the details about one of the highest profile UFO sightings since the Phoenix Lights!
The extended portion of the show is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. Our hosts continue the discussion on the Mage UFO Incident. In this segment they discuss the anonymous military whistle blower that came forward with reports that it was more than just UFOs spotted that night. Multiple alleged witnesses have come forward stating military officials recovered not only UFOs from the forest, but even 3 alien bodies! The conversation for sure heats up in this segment! If you wish to sign up to become a patron and get this EXCLUSIVE content click HERE
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- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/OneCandleSociety
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
TWS Episode 32 - "Evil In The Basement"
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Marcus and Vic interview Marcus's good friend "Jimmy" who claims to have had a run in with a malevolent entity in his basement. Nothing is scarier than feeling unsafe in your own home. Irresponsible Ouija Board usage, disembodied voices, and even shadow people are just the beginning of disturbing Jimmy's tale. In the climax of the story Jimmy calls upon a higher power in order to face down this unwanted visitor. Listen to Jimmy's tale for the whole story!
The extended portion of the show is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. Marcus and Vic discuss how the Coronavirus has impacted the paranormal. One Philippians town even turned to the paranormal to address the pandemic. Increased UFO sightings have skyrocketed since the start of the year. Why is this and what could be the connection to the global pandemic? If you wish to sign up to become a patron and get this EXCLUSIVE content click HERE
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- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OneCandleSociety
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- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/OneCandleSociety
Friday Aug 14, 2020
TWS Episode 31 - "Mental Health and The Paranormal"
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
After a month of voting we finally reveal the fans choice for the name for our listeners! In this episode Marcus and Vic change it up with talking about mental health and the paranormal. We explore the stigma facing people reporting paranormal experiences. We discuss how witnesses with mental health concerns are frequently written off. Marcus talks about specific entities meth addicts report seeing. Vic talks about how mental health impacted some of their past investigations. Both our hosts share how investigating the paranormal has impacted their own mental health. Bringing a combined 20 years of social work and mental health experience this is an episode you don't want to miss.
The extended portion of the show is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. Marcus and Vic continue talking about the psychology behind abductee experiences. Marcus and Vic explore the the specific obstacles that abductees face int his world. Listen as the shed some light on a group struggling with a trauma that many couldn't possibly understand. If you wish to sign up to become a patron and get this EXCLUSIVE content click HERE
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- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OneCandleSociety
- Twitter: @1CandleSociety
- Instagram: 1CandleSociety
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/OneCandleSociety
Friday Aug 07, 2020
TWS Episode 30 - "Mannequin People"
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Twitter: @1CandleSociety
Instagram: 1CandleSociety
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
TWS Episode 29 - "The Butler Gargoyle"
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Twitter: @1CandleSociety
Instagram: 1CandleSociety
Friday Jul 24, 2020
TWS Episode 28 - "Travis Walton UFO Incident"
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Twitter: @1CandleSociety
Instagram: 1CandleSociety
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
TWS Episode 27 - "Solo Plays...The Government"
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Twitter: @1CandleSociety
Instagram: 1CandleSociety
Friday Jul 03, 2020
TWS Episode 26 - "The Bremerton Monstrosity"
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
What horrors lurk within the deep that we haven't yet discovered? In 1948 a woman named Virginia Staples came face to face with what's known as "The Bremerton Horror". A creature that frightened her so much it caused her to pick up and leave her home that very day. What did this creature look like? Could it be a real creature we know of or could it be something much stranger? Listen as our hosts Marcus and Vic break down this story and give their input on this fascinating cryptid.
The extended portion of the show is EXCLUSIVE to our patrons. Listen as Marcus and Vic discuss strangeness on the Ohio River. Most people would be surprised to find out how many squid like cryptids that occur on the Ohio River. Listen as Marcus and Vic discuss some of the more obscure cryptids you likely haven't heard of near their home town. If you wish to sign up to become a patron and get this EXCLUSIVE content click HERE
Twitter: @1CandleSociety
Instagram: 1CandleSociety